Blind Operator - A genuine non-logging VPN

Our servers are driverless and 100% non-logging


« Mode de l'opérateur aveugle »

We have implemented a new security measure that we call Blind Operator, a method to disable remote and local access to our servers. This makes it hard for anyone, including our employees, to modify, or to tap the traffic on our servers.

Blind Operator works by disabling both SSH and console access on our servers. This means that even if an attacker gains physical access to the server, they cannot use either of these methods to extract sensitive data. To accomplish this, we eliminated GeTTY, the Unix-based system program that permits users to access the command-line interface, as well as sshd, a daemon utilised for remote access to computers and servers.

  • No local access (Console, Serial, etc.)
  • No remote access (SSH)
  • Magic SysRq keyboard shortcuts disabled

Aucun disque dur

Nos serveurs VPN fonctionnent sans aucun disque dur ou dispositif de stockage persistant.

Aucune journalisation

Nous imposons une politique de non-journalisation à 100% ce qui signifie que nous ne gardons aucun journal d'accès, de trafic, de DNS ou aucun autre type de journal qui pourrait être utilisé pour identifier un client.

  • AzireVPN does NOT log any traffic or user activity while using our service.
  • AzireVPN does NOT log timestamps or any information relating to when a user connects/disconnects from our service.
  • AzireVPN does NOT log or shape any bandwidth on our servers.
  • AzireVPN does NOT log the original IP addresses of our users when they connect OR their AzireVPN IP address when they are using our service.
  • AzireVPN does NOT log the number of your active sessions or total sessions.
  • AzireVPN does NOT log your DNS requests on our servers.

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